## Need some backups first
# Restore a function:
g1 <- get.backup( "myfun", "package:myfun")[[1]] # returns most recent backup only
# To turn this into an actual function (with source attribute as per your formatting):
myfun <- source.mvb( textConnection( g1)) # would be nice to have an self-closing t.c.
cat( get.backup( "myfun", "package:myfun", zap=FALSE)[[1]][1])
# shows "myfun" <- function...
# Restore a character vector:
mycharvec <- as.cat( get.backup( 'mycharvec', ..mypackage)[[1]]) # ready to roll
# Restore most recent backup of everything... brave!
# Will include functions & charvecs that have subsequently been deleted
bks <- read.bkind() # in current task
for( i in bks$object.names) {
cat( "Restoring ", i, "...")
gb <- get.backup( i, unlength=FALSE)[[1]] # unlength F so we can check type
# Is it a charvec?
if( grepl( '^ *[0-9]+ *$', gb[1])) # could check length too
gb <- as.cat( gb[-1]) # remove line showing length and...
# ...set class to "cat" for nice printing, as per 'as.cat'
else {
# Nope, so it's a function and needs to be sourced
tc <- textConnection( gb)
gbfun <- try( source.mvb( gb)) # will set source attribute, documentation etc.
close( tc)
if( gbfun %is.a% "try-error") {
gbfun <- stop( function( ...) stop( ii %&% " failed to parse"), list( ii=i))
attr( gbfun, 'source') <- gb # still assign source attribute
gb <- gbfun
assign( i, gb)
cat( '\n')
# }
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