nanotime (version 0.1.0)

nanotime-package: \Sexpr[results=rd,stage=build]{tools:::Rd_package_title("#1")}nanotimeNanosecond-Resolution Time for R


\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=build]{tools:::Rd_package_description("#1")}nanotimeFull 64-bit resolution date and time support with resolution up to nanosecond granularity is provided, with easy transition to and from the standard 'POSIXct' type.



The DESCRIPTION file: \Sexpr[results=rd,stage=build]{tools:::Rd_package_DESCRIPTION("#1")}nanotimeThis package was not yet installed at build time.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=build]{tools:::Rd_package_indices("#1")}nanotime Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.

This section should provide a more detailed overview of how to use the package, including the most important functions.


This optional section can contain literature or other references for background information.

See Also

Optional links to other man pages


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