nasapower (version 1.1.3)

create_icasa: Create a DSSAT ICASA file from POWER data


Get POWER values for a single point or region and create an ICASA format text file suitable for use in DSSAT for crop modelling; saving it to local disk.


create_icasa(lonlat, dates, dsn, file_out)


A text file in ICASA format saved to local disk for use in DSSAT crop modelling.

Argument details for <code>lonlat</code>

For a single point

To get a specific cell, 1/2 x 1/2 degree, supply a length-two numeric vector giving the decimal degree longitude and latitude in that order for data to download, e.g., lonlat = c(151.81, -27.48).

For regional coverage

To get a region, supply a length-four numeric vector as lower left (lon, lat) and upper right (lon, lat) coordinates, e.g., lonlat = c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in that order for a given region, e.g., a bounding box for the southwestern corner of Australia: lonlat = c(112.5, -55.5, 115.5, -50.5). Max bounding box is 10 x 10 degrees of 1/2 x 1/2 degree data, i.e., 100 points maximum in total.

Argument details for <code>dates</code>

If dates is unspecified, defaults to a start date of 1983-01-01 (the earliest available data) and an end date of current date according to the system. If one date only is provided, it will be treated as both the start date and the end date and only a single day's values will be returned.


This function is essentially a wrapper for get_power that queries the POWER API and writes a DSSAT ICASA weather file to disk. All necessary pars are automatically included in the query.

Further details for each of the arguments are provided in their respective sections following below.

See Also

create_met Create an APSIM met File from NASA POWER Data


Run this code
# Create an ICASA file for Kingsthorpe,
# Qld from 1985-01-01 to 1985-06-30
# and save it in the current R session
# tempdir() as ICASA_example.txt

# }
create_icasa(lonlat = c(151.81, -27.48),
            dates = c("1985-01-01", "1985-12-31"),
            dsn = tempdir(),
            file_out = "ICASA_example.txt"
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab