netmeta (version 1.2-1)

parkinson: Network meta-analysis of treatments for Parkinson's disease


Network meta-analysis comparing the effects of a number of treatments for Parkinson's disease.

The data are the mean lost work-time reduction in patients given dopamine agonists as adjunct therapy in Parkinson<U+2019>s disease. The data are given as sample size, mean and standard deviation in each trial arm. Treatments are placebo, coded 1, and four active drugs coded 2 to 5. These data are used as an example in the supplemental material of Dias et al. (2013).



A data frame with the following columns:

Study study label
Treatment1 treatment 1
y1 treatment effect arm 1
sd1 Standard deviation arm 1
n1 Sample size arm 1
Treatment2 treatment 2
y2 treatment effect arm 2
sd2 Standard deviation arm 2
n2 Sample size arm 2
Treatment3 treatment 3
y3 treatment effect arm 3
sd3 Standard deviation arm 3

See Also

pairwise, metacont, netmeta, netgraph.netmeta


Run this code

# Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
p1 <- pairwise(list(Treatment1, Treatment2, Treatment3),
               n = list(n1, n2, n3),
               mean = list(y1, y2, y3),
               sd = list(sd1, sd2, sd3),
               data = parkinson, studlab = Study)

# Conduct network meta-analysis
net1 <- netmeta(p1)

# Draw network graphs
netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex = 1.5,
         thickness = "se.fixed")
netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex  =  1.5,
         plastic = TRUE, thickness = "se.fixed",
         iterate = TRUE)
netgraph(net1, points = TRUE, cex.points = 3, cex = 1.5,
         plastic = TRUE, thickness = "se.fixed",
         iterate = TRUE, start = "eigen")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab