nngeo (version 0.2.8)

st_nn: Nearest Neighbor Search for Simple Features


The function returns the indices of layer y which are nearest neighbors of each feature of layer x. The number of nearest neighbors k and the search radius maxdist can be modified. The function has three modes of operation -

  • lon-lat points - Calculation using C code from GeographicLib, similar to sf::st_distance

  • projected points - Calculation using RANN::nn2, a fast search method based on the ANN C++ library

  • lines or polygons, either lon-lat or projected - Calculation based on sf::st_distance


st_nn(x, y, sparse = TRUE, k = 1, maxdist = Inf,
  returnDist = FALSE, progress = TRUE)



Object of class sf or sfc


Object of class sf or sfc


logical; should a sparse index list be returned (TRUE) or a dense logical matrix? See below.


The maximum number of nearest neighbors to compute. Default is 1, meaning that only a single point (nearest neighbor) is returned


Search radius (in meters). Points farther than search radius are not considered. Default is Inf meaning that search is unconstrained


logical; whether to return a matrix with the distances between detected neighbors


Display progress bar? (default `TRUE`)


If sparse=FALSE, returned object is a logical matrix with element [i,j] being TRUE when y[j, ] is a neighbor of x[i]; if sparse=TRUE (the default), a sparse list representation of the same matrix is returned, with list element i a numeric vector with the indices j of neighboring features from y for the feature x[i, ], or integer(0) in case there are no neighbors. If returnDists=TRUE the function returns a list, with the first element as specified above, and the second element the matrix of distances (in meters) between each pair of detected neighbors.


C. F. F. Karney, GeographicLib, Version 1.49 (2017-mm-dd), https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.49


Run this code

cities = st_transform(cities, 32636)
towns = st_transform(towns, 32636)

# Nearest town
st_nn(cities, towns)

# Using 'sfc' objects
st_nn(st_geometry(cities), st_geometry(towns))
st_nn(cities, st_geometry(towns))
st_nn(st_geometry(cities), towns)

# With distances
st_nn(cities, towns, returnDist = TRUE)

# }
# Distance limit
st_nn(cities, towns, maxdist = 7200)
st_nn(cities, towns, k = 3, maxdist = 12000)
st_nn(cities, towns, k = 3, maxdist = 12000, returnDist = TRUE)

# 3 nearest towns
st_nn(cities, towns, k = 3)

# Spatial join
st_join(cities, towns, st_nn, k = 1)
st_join(cities, towns, st_nn, k = 2)
st_join(cities, towns, st_nn, k = 1, maxdist = 7200)
st_join(towns, cities, st_nn, k = 1)

# Polygons to polygons
st_nn(water, water, k = 4)

# Large example - Geo points
n = 1000
x = data.frame(
  lon = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70,
  lat = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70
x = st_as_sf(x, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
start = Sys.time()
result = st_nn(x, x, k = 3)
end = Sys.time()
end - start

# Large example - Proj points
n = 1000
x = data.frame(
  lon = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70,
  lat = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70
x = st_as_sf(x, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
x = st_transform(x, 32630)
start = Sys.time()
result = st_nn(x, x, k = 3)
end = Sys.time()
end - start

# Large example - Polygons
n = 1000
x = data.frame(
  lon = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70,
  lat = (runif(n) * 2 - 1) * 70
x = st_as_sf(x, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
x = st_transform(x, 32630)
x = st_buffer(x, 1000)
start = Sys.time()
result = st_nn(x, x, k = 3)
end = Sys.time()
end - start

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab