nseval (version 0.5.1)

locate: Find the environment which defines a name.


locate starts at a given environment, and searches enclosing environments for a name. It returns the first enclosing environment which defines sym.

locate_ is the normally evaluating method; locate(x) is equivalent to locate_(quo(x)) or locate_(quote(x), environment()).

When sym is a quotation or dots, any env argument is ignored.


locate(sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ...)

locate_(sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ...)

locate_.list(sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ...)

locate_.quotation(sym, env = "ignored", mode = "any", ...)

locate_.character( sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ... )

`locate_.(`(sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ...)

locate_.dots(sym, env = "ignored", mode = "any", ...)

locate_.name( sym, env = arg_env_(quote(sym), environment()), mode = "any", ifnotfound = stop("Binding ", deparse(sym), " not found") )


An environment object which defines sym, if one is found.

If sym is a list (of names) or a dots object, locate_(sym)

returns a list.



A name. For locate the argument is used literally. For locate_ it should be a name or list of names.


Which environment to begin searching from.


Either "any" or "function". "any" finds the lowest enclosing environment which gives any definiton for sym. "function" searches for an environment which defines sym as a function. This may force lazy arguments in the process, in the same way as get.


Further arguments passed to methods.


What is returned if the symbol is not found. By default an exception is raised.


Run this code
# Here is how to implement R's `<<-` operator, using `locate_`:
`%<<-%` <- function(lval, rval) {
  lval_ <- arg(lval)
  name <- expr(lval_)
  target.env <- locate_(name, parent.env(env(lval_)))
  assign(as.character(name), rval, envir=target.env)

x <- "not this one"
  x <- "this one"
    x <- "not this one either"
    x %<<-% "this works like builtin <<-"

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