oce (version 1.1-1)

ctdAddColumn: Add a Column to the Data Slot of a CTD Object [defunct]


WARNING: This function will be removed soon; see oce-defunct.


ctdAddColumn(x, column, name, label, unit = NULL, log = TRUE,
  originalName = "", debug = getOption("oceDebug"))



A ctd object, i.e. one inheriting from ctd-class.


A column of data to be inserted, in the form of a numeric vector, whose length matches that of columns in the object.


Character string indicating the name this column is to have in the data slot of x.


Optional character string or expression indicating the name of the column, as it will appear in plot labels. (If not given, name will be used.)


Optional indication of the unit, in the form of a list containing items unit, which is an expression, and scale, which is a character string. For example, modern measurements of temperature have unit list(name=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90").


A logical value indicating whether to store an entry in the processing log that indicates this insertion.


string indicating the name of the data element as it was originally. This makes sense only for data being read from a file, where e.g. WOCE or SBE names might be used.


an integer specifying whether debugging information is to be printed during the processing. This is a general parameter that is used by many oce functions. Generally, setting debug=0 turns off the printing, while higher values suggest that more information be printed. If one function calls another, it usually reduces the value of debug first, so that a user can often obtain deeper debugging by specifying higher debug values.


A ctd object.


Use oceSetData instead of the present function.

Add a column to the data slot of an object of ctd-class, also updating the metadata slot as appropriate.

See Also

The documentation for ctd-class explains the structure of CTD objects, and also outlines the other functions dealing with them.

Other functions that will be removed soon: addColumn, ctdUpdateHeader, findInOrdered, mapMeridians, mapZones, oce.as.POSIXlt