orderly (version 1.0.4)

orderly_latest: Find most recent report


Find most recent version of an orderly report. The most recent report is always the most recently run report that has been committed (regardless of the order in which they were committed).


orderly_latest(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE,
  draft = FALSE, must_work = TRUE)



Name of the report to find; if NULL returns the most recent report across all names


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Find most recent draft report


Throw an error if no report is found. If FALSE, returns NA_character_.


A character string with the id of the most recent report

See Also

orderly_list and orderly_list_archive for listing report names and versions.


Run this code
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id1 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path, echo = FALSE)
id2 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path, echo = FALSE)

# With no reports committed there is no latest report:
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path, must_work = FALSE)

# Commit the first report and it will be reported as latest:
orderly::orderly_commit(id1, root = path)
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path)

# Commit the second report and it will be reported as latest instead:
orderly::orderly_commit(id2, root = path)
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab