orderly (version 1.4.3)

orderly_init: Initialise an orderly store


Initialise an orderly store. This is a helper function that automates getting started with using orderly for a new project. It is not required to use - you can create the orderly structure yourself (all that is compulsory is the orderly_config.yml file).


orderly_init(root, doc = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)



The root of the store; this must be an empty directory or the path of a directory to create


Logical, indicating if documentation should be added to the directories. This also has the (potentially useful) effect of making these directories noticeable by git.


Logical, indicating if informational messages should be suppressed.


The path to the newly created archive


This function creates a minimal orderly structure, containing:

  • orderly_config.yml: The orderly configuration. Minimally, this can be empty, but it must exist.

  • src: The path where report sources live. This should be placed under version control, and contain a number of reports, each in their own directory with an orderly.yml describing their inputs and outputs (artefacts). The orderly_new() function can be used to accelerate creation of new reports.

  • draft: A directory where reports will be run using orderly_run(). This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is run.

  • archive: A directory where successfully run reports will be moved to after being committed with orderly_commit(). This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is committed.

  • data: A directory where data extracted from the database (if used) will be stored. This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is run.

See Also

orderly_new() for creating new reports within a configured orderly repository.


Run this code
# Initialise a new orderly repository in an temporary directory:
path <- orderly::orderly_init(tempfile())

# This has created the directory skeleton that you need to get
# started using orderly:

# As instructed, the next thing to do is to edit the
# orderly_config.yml file to match your needs:
readLines(file.path(path, "orderly_config.yml"))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab