osfr (version 0.2.9)

osf_create: Create a new project or component on OSF


Use osf_create_project() to create a new top-level project on OSF. A nested component can be created by providing an osf_tbl_node containing an existing project or component to osf_create_component()'s x argument.


  description = NULL,
  public = FALSE,
  category = "project"

osf_create_component( x, title, description = NULL, public = FALSE, category = NULL )


An osf_tbl_node containing the new project or component.


title, description

Set a title (required) and, optionally, a description.


Logical, should it be publicly available (TRUE) or private (FALSE, the default)?


Character string, specify a category to change the icon displayed on OSF. The defaults are "project" for projects and "uncategorized" for components. The specified category can be easily changed later on OSF. Valid category options include:

  • analysis

  • communication

  • data

  • hypothesis

  • instrumentation

  • methods and measures

  • procedure

  • project

  • software

  • other


An osf_tbl_node with a single OSF project or component that will serve as the new sub-component's parent node.

OSF nodes

Projects and components are both implemented as nodes on OSF. The only distinction between the two is that a project is a top-level node, and a component must have a parent node (i.e., must be a sub-component of another project or component). Because projects and components are functionally identical, osfr uses the same osf_tbl_node class to represent both.


  1. OSF Guides: Create a Project. https://help.osf.io/article/383-creating-a-project.

  2. OSF Guides: Create a Component. https://help.osf.io/article/253-create-components.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# create a new public project
project <- osf_create_project(title = "Private OSF Project", public = TRUE)

# add a private component to the new project
component <- osf_create_component(project, title = "Project Data")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab