if (FALSE) {
getbb ("Salzburg")
# select based on display_name, print query url
getbb ("Hereford", display_name_contains = "United States", silent = FALSE)
# top 3 matches as data frame
getbb ("Hereford", format_out = "data.frame", limit = 3)
# Examples of polygonal boundaries
bb <- getbb ("london uk", format_out = "polygon") # single match
dim (bb [[1]] [[1]]) # matrix of longitude/latitude pairs
bb_sf <- getbb ("kathmandu", format_out = "sf_polygon")
# sf:::plot.sf(bb_sf) # can be plotted if sf is installed
getbb ("london", format_out = "sf_polygon")
getbb ("accra", format_out = "sf_polygon") # rectangular bb
area <- getbb("València", format_out = "osm_type_id")
# select multiple areas with format_out = "osm_type_id"
areas <- getbb("València", format_out = "data.frame")
bbox_to_string(areas[areas$osm_type != "node", ])
# Using an alternative service (locationiq requires an API key)
# add LOCATIONIQ=type_your_api_key_here to .Renviron:
key <- Sys.getenv ("LOCATIONIQ")
if (nchar (key) == 32) {
getbb (place_name,
base_url = "https://locationiq.org/v1/search.php",
key = key
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab