pathmox (version 0.2.0)

plot.treemox.pls: Comparative plot between nodes from a PATHMOX or TECHMOX tree


Plot method for objects of class "treemox.pls". Barplots of path coefficients of terminal nodes with respect to those of the global (root) model


"plot" (x, = "nodes", nodes.names = NULL, ordered = TRUE, decreasing = FALSE, color = NULL, = TRUE, border = NA, cex.names = 0.75, cex.axis = 0.75, short.labs = TRUE, short.min = NULL, ...)


An object of class "treemox.pls" returned by treemox.pls.
One of "nodes" or "latents". This argument indicates the type of barplots comparison.
Optional vector of names for the terminal nodes (must be a vector of length equal to the number of terminal nodes).
A logical value indicating whether the barplots are shown in increasing ordered.
A logical value indicating if the sort order should be increasing or decreasing.
Optional vector of colors for the bars. When color=NULL rainbow colors are used.
A logical value indicating whether a box is drawn around each barplot.
The color to be used for the border of the bars. Use border=NA to omit borders.
Expansion factor for axis names (bar labels).
Expansion factor for numeric axis labels.
Logical value indicating if the labels of the barplots should be abbreviated (TRUE by default).
Integer number indicating the minimum length of the abbreviations for the labels. Only used when short.labs=TRUE.
Arguments to be passed to/from other methods.


This function aims to visualize the comparison between path coefficients of the terminal nodes against the path coefficients of the global model in the root node. When"nodes" a graphic window is displayed for each endogenous latent variable of the PLS model, and barplots of nodes are shown. When"latents" a graphic window is displayed for each endogenous relationship of the PLS model, and barplots of independent latent variables are shown.

See Also

treemox.pls, pathmox, techmox


Run this code
## Not run: 
#  ## example of PLS-PM in customer satisfaction analysis
#  ## model with seven LVs and reflective indicators
#  data(csimobile)
#  # select manifest variables
#  data_mobile = csimobile[,8:33]
#  # define path matrix (inner model)
#  IMAG = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#  EXPE = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#  QUAL = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#  VAL = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#  SAT = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
#  COM = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
#  LOY = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)
#  mob_path = rbind(IMAG, EXPE, QUAL, VAL, SAT, COM, LOY)
#  # blocks of indicators (outer model)
#  mob_blocks = list(1:5, 6:9, 10:15, 16:18, 19:21, 22:24, 25:26)
#  mob_modes = rep("A", 7)
#  # apply plspm
#  mob_pls = plspm(data_mobile, mob_path, mob_blocks, modes = mob_modes,
#                  scheme = "factor", scaled = FALSE)
#  # re-ordering those segmentation variables with ordinal scale (Age and Education)
#  csimobile$Education = factor(csimobile$Education,
#      levels=c("basic","highschool","university"),
#      ordered=TRUE)
#  # select the segmentation variables
#  seg_vars = csimobile[,1:7]
#  # Pathmox Analysis
#  mob_pathmox = pathmox(mob_pls, seg_vars, signif=.10, size=.10, deep=2)
#  # applying function treemox.pls
#  mob_nodes <- treemox.pls(mob_pls, mob_pathmox)
#  # default plot
#  # comparative barplots of endogenous latent variables between nodes
#  plot(mob_nodes,"nodes")
#  # comparative barplots of nodes between latent regressors
#  plot(mob_nodes,"latents", decreasing=TRUE)
#  ## End(Not run)

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