pathological (version 0.1-1)

standardize_path: Standardize paths


Standardi[sz]e path names so that they can be more easily compared.


standardize_path(x = dir(), sep = c("/", "\\"), include_names = TRUE)
standardise_path(x = dir(), sep = c("/", "\\"), include_names = TRUE)


A character vector of file paths. Defaults to files in the current directory.
String separator between directory levels in the output.
A logical value indicating whether the output should be named with the input file paths.


A character vector of paths, pointing to the same locations as the input, but in a standardized form.


standardize_path wraps normalizePath, providing additional tweaks to the output.
  • Missing inputs always return NA_character_.
  • Leading double back slashes are preserved under all OSes regardless of the values of sep.
  • Leading double forward slashes are converted to double back slash under Windows (they are likely UNC paths), and a single forward slash under Unixes (they are likely absolute paths).
  • Other back and forward slashes are replaced by sep.
  • Paths are always made absolute.
  • Trailing slashes are always stripped, except for root ("/") and Windows drives ("C:/", etc.).
  • Windows drives are always capitalized.

See Also

normalizePath, path.expand, file_path_as_absolute, getAbsolutePath


Run this code
standardize_path(c(".", "..", "~", R.home(), NA))
standardize_path(c(".", "..", "~", R.home(), NA), "\\")

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace