paws.compute (version 0.1.0)

ecr: Amazon EC2 Container Registry


Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a managed Docker registry service. Customers can use the familiar Docker CLI to push, pull, and manage images. Amazon ECR provides a secure, scalable, and reliable registry. Amazon ECR supports private Docker repositories with resource-based permissions using IAM so that specific users or Amazon EC2 instances can access repositories and images. Developers can use the Docker CLI to author and manage images.





batch_check_layer_availability Check the availability of multiple image layers in a specified registry and repository
batch_delete_image Deletes a list of specified images within a specified repository
batch_get_image Gets detailed information for specified images within a specified repository
complete_layer_upload Informs Amazon ECR that the image layer upload has completed for a specified registry, repository name, and upload ID
create_repository Creates an image repository
delete_lifecycle_policy Deletes the specified lifecycle policy
delete_repository Deletes an existing image repository
delete_repository_policy Deletes the repository policy from a specified repository
describe_images Returns metadata about the images in a repository, including image size, image tags, and creation date
describe_repositories Describes image repositories in a registry
get_authorization_token Retrieves a token that is valid for a specified registry for 12 hours
get_download_url_for_layer Retrieves the pre-signed Amazon S3 download URL corresponding to an image layer
get_lifecycle_policy Retrieves the specified lifecycle policy
get_lifecycle_policy_preview Retrieves the results of the specified lifecycle policy preview request
get_repository_policy Retrieves the repository policy for a specified repository
initiate_layer_upload Notify Amazon ECR that you intend to upload an image layer
list_images Lists all the image IDs for a given repository
list_tags_for_resource List the tags for an Amazon ECR resource
put_image Creates or updates the image manifest and tags associated with an image
put_lifecycle_policy Creates or updates a lifecycle policy
set_repository_policy Applies a repository policy on a specified repository to control access permissions
start_lifecycle_policy_preview Starts a preview of the specified lifecycle policy
tag_resource Adds specified tags to a resource with the specified ARN
untag_resource Deletes specified tags from a resource


Run this code
# This example deletes images with the tags precise and trusty in a
# repository called ubuntu in the default registry for an account.
# }
svc <- ecr()
  imageIds = list(
      imageTag = "precise"
  repositoryName = "ubuntu"
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab