paws.compute (version 0.1.0)

ecs_create_task_set: Create a task set in the specified cluster and service


Create a task set in the specified cluster and service. This is used when a service uses the EXTERNAL deployment controller type. For more information, see Amazon ECS Deployment Types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.


ecs_create_task_set(service, cluster, externalId, taskDefinition,
  networkConfiguration, loadBalancers, serviceRegistries, launchType,
  platformVersion, scale, clientToken)



[required] The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service to create the task set in.


[required] The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts the service to create the task set in.


An optional non-unique tag that identifies this task set in external systems. If the task set is associated with a service discovery registry, the tasks in this task set will have the ECS_TASK_SET_EXTERNAL_ID AWS Cloud Map attribute set to the provided value.


[required] The task definition for the tasks in the task set to use.


A load balancer object representing the load balancer to use with the task set. The supported load balancer types are either an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer.


The details of the service discovery registries to assign to this task set. For more information, see Service Discovery.


The launch type that new tasks in the task set will use. For more information, see Amazon ECS Launch Types in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.


The platform version that the tasks in the task set should use. A platform version is specified only for tasks using the Fargate launch type. If one isn't specified, the LATEST platform version is used by default.


Unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. Up to 32 ASCII characters are allowed.

Request syntax

  service = "string",
  cluster = "string",
  externalId = "string",
  taskDefinition = "string",
  networkConfiguration = list(
    awsvpcConfiguration = list(
      subnets = list(
      securityGroups = list(
      assignPublicIp = "ENABLED"|"DISABLED"
  loadBalancers = list(
      targetGroupArn = "string",
      loadBalancerName = "string",
      containerName = "string",
      containerPort = 123
  serviceRegistries = list(
      registryArn = "string",
      port = 123,
      containerName = "string",
      containerPort = 123
  launchType = "EC2"|"FARGATE",
  platformVersion = "string",
  scale = list(
    value = 123.0,
    unit = "PERCENT"
  clientToken = "string"