paws.compute (version 0.5.0)

ecs_put_account_setting: Modifies an account setting


Modifies an account setting. Account settings are set on a per-Region basis.

See for full documentation.


ecs_put_account_setting(name, value, principalArn = NULL)



[required] The Amazon ECS resource name for which to modify the account setting. If you specify serviceLongArnFormat, the ARN for your Amazon ECS services is affected. If you specify taskLongArnFormat, the ARN and resource ID for your Amazon ECS tasks is affected. If you specify containerInstanceLongArnFormat, the ARN and resource ID for your Amazon ECS container instances is affected. If you specify awsvpcTrunking, the elastic network interface (ENI) limit for your Amazon ECS container instances is affected. If you specify containerInsights, the default setting for Amazon Web Services CloudWatch Container Insights for your clusters is affected. If you specify fargateFIPSMode, Fargate FIPS 140 compliance is affected. If you specify tagResourceAuthorization, the opt-in option for tagging resources on creation is affected. For information about the opt-in timeline, see Tagging authorization timeline in the Amazon ECS Developer Guide. If you specify fargateTaskRetirementWaitPeriod, the wait time to retire a Fargate task is affected.

The guardDutyActivate parameter is read-only in Amazon ECS and indicates whether Amazon ECS Runtime Monitoring is enabled or disabled by your security administrator in your Amazon ECS account. Amazon GuardDuty controls this account setting on your behalf. For more information, see Protecting Amazon ECS workloads with Amazon ECS Runtime Monitoring.


[required] The account setting value for the specified principal ARN. Accepted values are enabled, disabled, on, and off.

When you specify fargateTaskRetirementWaitPeriod for the name, the following are the valid values:

  • 0 - Amazon Web Services sends the notification, and immediately retires the affected tasks.

  • 7 - Amazon Web Services sends the notification, and waits 7 calendar days to retire the tasks.

  • 14 - Amazon Web Services sends the notification, and waits 14 calendar days to retire the tasks.


The ARN of the principal, which can be a user, role, or the root user. If you specify the root user, it modifies the account setting for all users, roles, and the root user of the account unless a user or role explicitly overrides these settings. If this field is omitted, the setting is changed only for the authenticated user.

You must use the root user when you set the Fargate wait time (fargateTaskRetirementWaitPeriod).

Federated users assume the account setting of the root user and can't have explicit account settings set for them.