paws.networking (version 0.1.6)

route53domains_list_operations: This operation returns the operation IDs of operations that are not yet complete


This operation returns the operation IDs of operations that are not yet complete.


route53domains_list_operations(SubmittedSince, Marker, MaxItems)



An optional parameter that lets you get information about all the operations that you submitted after a specified date and time. Specify the date and time in Coordinated Universal time (UTC).


For an initial request for a list of operations, omit this element. If the number of operations that are not yet complete is greater than the value that you specified for MaxItems, you can use Marker to return additional operations. Get the value of NextPageMarker from the previous response, and submit another request that includes the value of NextPageMarker in the Marker element.


Number of domains to be returned.

Default: 20

Request syntax

  SubmittedSince = as.POSIXct(
  Marker = "string",
  MaxItems = 123