paws.networking (version 0.1.6)

route53resolver: Amazon Route 53 Resolver


Here\'s how you set up to query an Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone from your network:

  1. Connect your network to a VPC using AWS Direct Connect or a VPN.

  2. Run the following AWS CLI command to create a Resolver endpoint:

    create-resolver-endpoint --name \\[endpoint_name\\] --direction INBOUND --creator-request-id \\[unique_string\\] --security-group-ids \\[security_group_with_inbound_rules\\] --ip-addresses SubnetId=\\[subnet_id\\] SubnetId=\\[subnet_id_in_different_AZ\\]

    Note the resolver endpoint ID that appears in the response. You\'ll use it in step 3.

  3. Get the IP addresses for the Resolver endpoints:

    get-resolver-endpoint --resolver-endpoint-id \\[resolver_endpoint_id\\]

  4. In your network configuration, define the IP addresses that you got in step 3 as DNS servers.

    You can now query instance names in your VPCs and the names of records in your private hosted zone.

You can also perform the following operations using the AWS CLI:

  • list-resolver-endpoints: List all endpoints. The syntax includes options for pagination and filtering.

  • update-resolver-endpoints: Add IP addresses to an endpoint or remove IP addresses from an endpoint.

To delete an endpoint, use the following AWS CLI command:

delete-resolver-endpoint --resolver-endpoint-id \\[resolver_endpoint_id\\]


route53resolver(config = list())



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

Service syntax

svc <- route53resolver(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string"


associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address Adds IP addresses to an inbound or an outbound resolver endpoint
associate_resolver_rule Associates a resolver rule with a VPC
create_resolver_endpoint Creates a resolver endpoint
create_resolver_rule For DNS queries that originate in your VPCs, specifies which resolver endpoint the queries pass through, one domain name that you want to forward to your network, and the IP addresses of the DNS resolvers in your network
delete_resolver_endpoint Deletes a resolver endpoint
delete_resolver_rule Deletes a resolver rule
disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address Removes IP addresses from an inbound or an outbound resolver endpoint
disassociate_resolver_rule Removes the association between a specified resolver rule and a specified VPC
get_resolver_endpoint Gets information about a specified resolver endpoint, such as whether it's an inbound or an outbound resolver endpoint, and the current status of the endpoint
get_resolver_rule Gets information about a specified resolver rule, such as the domain name that the rule forwards DNS queries for and the ID of the outbound resolver endpoint that the rule is associated with
get_resolver_rule_association Gets information about an association between a specified resolver rule and a VPC
get_resolver_rule_policy Gets information about a resolver rule policy
list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses Gets the IP addresses for a specified resolver endpoint
list_resolver_endpoints Lists all the resolver endpoints that were created using the current AWS account
list_resolver_rule_associations Lists the associations that were created between resolver rules and VPCs using the current AWS account
list_resolver_rules Lists the resolver rules that were created using the current AWS account
list_tags_for_resource Lists the tags that you associated with the specified resource
put_resolver_rule_policy Specifies the Resolver operations and resources that you want to allow another AWS account to be able to use
tag_resource Adds one or more tags to a specified resource
untag_resource Removes one or more tags from a specified resource
update_resolver_endpoint Updates the name of an inbound or an outbound resolver endpoint


Run this code
svc <- route53resolver()
  Foo = 123
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace