paws.networking (version 0.5.0)

appmesh: AWS App Mesh


App Mesh is a service mesh based on the Envoy proxy that makes it easy to monitor and control microservices. App Mesh standardizes how your microservices communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility and helping to ensure high availability for your applications.

App Mesh gives you consistent visibility and network traffic controls for every microservice in an application. You can use App Mesh with Amazon Web Services Fargate, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services, and Amazon EC2.

App Mesh supports microservice applications that use service discovery naming for their components. For more information about service discovery on Amazon ECS, see Service Discovery in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Kubernetes kube-dns and coredns are supported. For more information, see DNS for Services and Pods in the Kubernetes documentation.


appmesh(config = list(), credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL)


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

Service syntax

svc <- appmesh(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


create_gateway_routeCreates a gateway route
create_meshCreates a service mesh
create_routeCreates a route that is associated with a virtual router
create_virtual_gatewayCreates a virtual gateway
create_virtual_nodeCreates a virtual node within a service mesh
create_virtual_routerCreates a virtual router within a service mesh
create_virtual_serviceCreates a virtual service within a service mesh
delete_gateway_routeDeletes an existing gateway route
delete_meshDeletes an existing service mesh
delete_routeDeletes an existing route
delete_virtual_gatewayDeletes an existing virtual gateway
delete_virtual_nodeDeletes an existing virtual node
delete_virtual_routerDeletes an existing virtual router
delete_virtual_serviceDeletes an existing virtual service
describe_gateway_routeDescribes an existing gateway route
describe_meshDescribes an existing service mesh
describe_routeDescribes an existing route
describe_virtual_gatewayDescribes an existing virtual gateway
describe_virtual_nodeDescribes an existing virtual node
describe_virtual_routerDescribes an existing virtual router
describe_virtual_serviceDescribes an existing virtual service
list_gateway_routesReturns a list of existing gateway routes that are associated to a virtual gateway
list_meshesReturns a list of existing service meshes
list_routesReturns a list of existing routes in a service mesh
list_tags_for_resourceList the tags for an App Mesh resource
list_virtual_gatewaysReturns a list of existing virtual gateways in a service mesh
list_virtual_nodesReturns a list of existing virtual nodes
list_virtual_routersReturns a list of existing virtual routers in a service mesh
list_virtual_servicesReturns a list of existing virtual services in a service mesh
tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn
untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
update_gateway_routeUpdates an existing gateway route that is associated to a specified virtual gateway in a service mesh
update_meshUpdates an existing service mesh
update_routeUpdates an existing route for a specified service mesh and virtual router
update_virtual_gatewayUpdates an existing virtual gateway in a specified service mesh
update_virtual_nodeUpdates an existing virtual node in a specified service mesh
update_virtual_routerUpdates an existing virtual router in a specified service mesh
update_virtual_serviceUpdates an existing virtual service in a specified service mesh


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
svc <- appmesh()
  Foo = 123

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab