pbdDMAT (version 0.5-0)

Accessors: Accessor Functions for Distributed Matrix Slots


Functions to get dimension information, local storage, or current BLACS context from a distributed matrix.



# S4 method for ddmatrix nrow(x)


# S4 method for ddmatrix NROW(x)


# S4 method for ddmatrix ncol(x)


# S4 method for ddmatrix NCOL(x)

submatrix(x, ...)

# S4 method for ddmatrix submatrix(x)

# S4 method for Linalg submatrix(x)

ldim(x, ...)

# S4 method for ddmatrix ldim(x)

bldim(x, ...)

# S4 method for ddmatrix bldim(x)

ICTXT(x, ...)

# S4 method for ddmatrix ICTXT(x)

# S4 method for ddmatrix dim(x)

# S4 method for ddmatrix length(x)



numeric distributed matrix


Extra arguments.


global dimension.


blocking dimension.


BLACS context.


Each of dim(), ldim(), bldim() return a length 2 vector.

Each of nrow(), ncol(), and length() return a length 1 vector. Likewise, so does ICTXT().

submatrix() returns a matrix; namely, submatrix(x) returns a matrix of dimensions ldim(x).


list("signature(x = \"ddmatrix\")")


The functions nrow(), ncol(), length() and dim() are the natural extensions of their ordinary matrix counterparts.

ldim() will give the dimension of the matrix stored locally on the process which runs the function. This is a local value, so its return is process-dependent. For example, if the 3x3 global matrix x is distributed as the ddmatrix dx across two processors with process 0 owning the first two rows and process 1 owning the third, then ldim(dx) will return 2 3 on process 0 and 1 3 on process 1.

bldim() will give the blocking dimension that was used to block-cyclically distribute the distributed matrix.

submatrix() will give the local storage for the requested object.

ICTXT() will give the current BLACS context (slot ICTXT) for the requested object.

ownany() is intended mostly for developers. It answers the question "do I own any of the data?". The user can either pass a distributed matrix object or the dim, bldim, and ICTXT of one.