pbdNCDF4 (version 0.1-4)

nc_sync: Synchronize (flush to disk) a netCDF File


Flushes any pending operations on a netCDF file to disk.


nc_sync( nc )


An object of class ncdf4 that is opened for writing (as returned by either function nc_open(..., write=TRUE) or function nc_create, indicating what file is being written to.


Data in a netCDF file is cached in memory, for better performance. An example of when this might be bad is if a long-running job writes one timestep of the output file at a time; if the job crashes near the end, the results of many timesteps might be lost. In such an event, the user can manually force any cached data to be written to disk using this call.




Run this code
## Not run: 
# # The time you would use the sync.ncdf function is when you have an unlimited
# # dimension and are writing to the file timestep-by-timestep. Make a netCDF file 
# # that has an unlimited dimension for illustration.
# nx <- 5
# ny <- 8
# dimx <- ncdim_def( "X", "meters", 1:nx )
# dimy <- ncdim_def( "Y", "meters", 1:ny )
# dimt <- ncdim_def( "Time", "days since 1900-01-01", 0, unlim=TRUE )
# vartemp <- ncvar_def( "Temperature", "degC", list(dimx,dimy,dimt), 1.e30 )
# nc  <- nc_create( "temperature.nc", vartemp )
# nt <- 10  # Imagine this is actually some very large number of timesteps
# for( i in 1:nt ) {
# 	# Long, slow computation to get the data ... for illustration, we just
# 	# use the following:
# 	data <- runif(nx*ny)
# 	# Write the data to this timestep
# 	ncvar_put( nc, vartemp, data, start=c(1,1,i), count=c(nx,ny,1) )
# 	# Write the time value for this timestep as well
# 	timeval <- i*10
# 	ncvar_put( nc, dimt, timeval, start=i, count=1 )
# 	# Flush this timestep's data to the file so we dont lose it
# 	# if there is a crash or other problem
# 	nc_sync( nc )
# 	}
# # Always remember to close the file when done!!
# nc_close(nc)
# ## End(Not run)

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