pbdRPC (version 0.2-1)

RPC Control Functions: Sets of controls in pbdRPC.


These sets of controls are used to provide default values in pbdRPC package.


RPC.CT(verbose = FALSE, intern = FALSE, wait = TRUE, check.exec = FALSE,
  use.shell.exec = TRUE, pause = TRUE)

RPC.LI(exec.type = "ssh", args = "", pport = 22, user = "snoweye", hostname = "", priv.key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa", priv.key.ppk = "./id_rsa.ppk")

RPC.RR(check = "ps axww|grep '[r]emoter::server'", kill = "kill -9 $(ps axww|grep '[r]emoter::server'|awk '{print $1}')", start = "nohup Rscript -e 'remoter::server()' > .rrlog 2>&1 < /dev/null &", preload = "source ~/work-my/00_set_devel_R; ", checkx = "ps axww|grep '[r]emoter::server\\|[x]vfb-run'", killx = "kill -9 $(ps axww|grep '[r]emoter::server\\|[x]vfb-run'|awk '{print $1}')", startx = "nohup xvfb-run Rscript -e 'remoter::server()' > .rrlog 2>&1 < /dev/null &")


verbose, intern, wait, check.exec, use.shell.exec, pause

RPC control for system, shell.exec, and so on. wait = FALSE allows asynchronous commands which need more test. e.g. continuously port forwarding without sending commands to background.

exec.type, args, pport, user, hostname, priv.key, priv.key.ppk

RPC login information used by srpc(), ssh(), or plink().

check, kill, start, preload, checkx, killx, startx

RPC remoter commands used by check_rr(), kill_rr(), or start_rr() and virtual X11 related versions checkx_rr(), killx_rr(), or startx_rr().. RPC pbdCS commands used by check_cs(), kill_cs(), or start_cs().

See Also
