pbdRPC (version 0.2-1)

rpc: Remote Procedure Call


Launch a command via ssh or plink on a (remote) server.


rpc(machine, cmd = "whoami", intern = .pbd_env$RPC.CT$intern,
  wait = .pbd_env$RPC.CT$wait)



A machine configuration. See ?machine.


the command to be executed on the server.

intern, wait

arguments passed to system() or shell() whereever they are applicable.


Mainly the message received from the command line of server may be returned but may not be captured by R.

For example, Windows with plink will not capture the return because currently the authentication is not working. A windows bat file is launched by shell.exec() in an additional cmd.exe window to avoid saving password inside R.


Using either ssh or plink to launch a command on a (remote) server. Authentication is working currently for ssh.

NO further input from stdin is expected. Outputs or errors may not be captured by R.

See Also

machine(), start_rr(), check_rr(), kill_rr(), srpc(), ssh(), and plink().