pbdZMQ (version 0.1-1)

Shell Execution: Shell Execution via cmd windows


This function is an extension to the shell.exec() which is a native function of R


shellexec.wcc(file, SW.cmd = 7L)


a file name as in shell.exec()
a SW_* command of showing windows


  • A new windows with certain applications depending on the association of the input file.


shell.exec("a.txt") will open a windows (notepad) to edit the file a.txt in windows system. However, the notepad will block the (parent) active R windows, i.e. SW.cmd = 5 as SH_SHOW by default.

The shellexec.wcc("a.txt", SW.cmd = 7L) will open the notepad, but in a minimized window. Therefore, there is no blocking to the active R windows. See the website in the references section to see more options to control the behavior of new windows. Possible choices are

SW_SHOW (5): Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.

SW_SHOWMINIMIZED (2): Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.

SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE (7): Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active.

SW_SHOWNA (8): Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active.


Microsoft, Windows Dev Center: Windows desktop applications > Develop > Desktop technologies > Desktop Environment > The Windows Shell > Shell Reference > Shell Functions > ShellExecute


See Also



Run this code
library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)

shellexec.wcc("a.txt", 5L)

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