pbdZMQ (version 0.1-1)

ZMQ Control Environment: Sets of controls in pbdZMQ.


These sets of controls are used to provide default values in this package.



Objects contain several parameters for communicators and methods.


The elements of .pbdZMQEnv$ZMQ.ST are default values for socket types as defined in `zmq.h' including lcl{ Elements Value Usage PAIR 0L socket type PAIR PUB 1L socket type PUB SUB 2L socket type SUB REQ 3L socket type REQ REP 4L socket type REP DEALER 5L socket type DEALER ROUTER 6L socket type ROUTER PULL 7L socket type PULL PUSH 8L socket type PUSH XPUB 9L socket type XPUB XSUB 10L socket type XSUB STREAM 11L socket type STREAM }

The elements of .pbdZMQEnv$ZMQ.SO are default values for socket options as defined in `zmq.h' including 60 different values, see .pbdZMQEnv$ZMQ.SO and `zmq.h' for details.

The elements of .pbdZMQEnv$ZMQ.SR are default values for send/recv options as defined in `zmq.h' including lcl{ Elements Value Usage BLOCK 0L send/recv option BLOCK DONTWAIT 1L send/recv option DONTWAIT NOBLOCK 1L send/recv option NOBLOCK SNDMORE 2L send/recv option SNDMORE (not supported) }

The elements of .pbdZMQEnv$ZMQ.MC are default values for warning and stop controls in R. These are not the ZeroMQ's internal default values. They are defined as lcl{ Elements Value Usage warning.at.error TRUE if warn at error stop.at.error TRUE if stop at error }


ZeroMQ/4.1.0 API Reference: http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:_start

Programming with Big Data in R Website: http://r-pbd.org/