pbdZMQ (version 0.2-4)

Send Receive Functions: Send Receive Functions


Send and receive functions


zmq.send(socket, buf, flags = .pbd_env$ZMQ.SR$BLOCK)
zmq.recv(socket, len = 1024L, flags = .pbd_env$ZMQ.SR$BLOCK, buf.type = c("char", "raw"))


a ZMQ socket
a buffer to be sent
a flag for the method using by zmq_send and zmq_recv
a length of buffer to be received, default 1024 bytes
buffer type to be received


zmq.send() returns number of bytes (invisible) in the sent message if successful, otherwise returns -1 (invisible) and sets errno to the error value, see ZeroMQ manual for details.zmq.recv() returns a list (ret) containing the received buffer ret$buf and the length of received buffer (ret$len which is less or equal to the input len) if successful, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno to the error value, see ZeroMQ manual for details.


zmq.send() is a high level R function calling ZMQ C API zmq_send() sending buf out.

zmq.recv() is a high level R function calling ZMQ C API zmq_recv() receiving buffers of length len according to the buf.type.

flags see ZMQ.SR() for detail options of send and receive functions.

buf.type currently supports char and raw which are both in R object format.


ZeroMQ/4.1.0 API Reference: http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:_start

Programming with Big Data in R Website: http://r-pbd.org/

See Also

zmq.msg.send(), zmq.msg.recv().


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ### Using request-reply pattern.
# ### At the server, run next in background or the other window.
# library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
# context <- zmq.ctx.new()
# responder <- zmq.socket(context, .pbd_env$ZMQ.ST$REP)
# zmq.bind(responder, "tcp://*:5555")
# for(i.res in 1:5){
#   buf <- zmq.recv(responder, 10L)
#   cat(buf$buf, "\n")
#   Sys.sleep(0.5)
#   zmq.send(responder, "World")
# }
# zmq.close(responder)
# zmq.ctx.destroy(context)
# ### At a client, run next in foreground.
# library(pbdZMQ, quietly = TRUE)
# context <- zmq.ctx.new()
# requester <- zmq.socket(context, .pbd_env$ZMQ.ST$REQ)
# zmq.connect(requester, "tcp://localhost:5555")
# for(i.req in 1:5){
#   cat("Sending Hello ", i.req, "\n")
#   zmq.send(requester, "Hello")
#   buf <- zmq.recv(requester, 10L)
#   cat("Received World ", i.req, "\n")
# }
# zmq.close(requester)
# zmq.ctx.destroy(context)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab