pegas (version 1.3)

as.loci: Conversion Among Allelic Data Classes


These functions do conversion among different allelic data classes.


as.loci(x, ...)
# S3 method for genind
as.loci(x, ...)
# S3 method for data.frame
as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", col.pop = NULL, col.loci = NULL, ...)
loci2genind(x, ploidy = 2, na.alleles = c("0", "."), unphase = TRUE)
# S3 method for factor
as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)
# S3 method for character
as.loci(x, allele.sep = "/|", ...)
loci2SnpMatrix(x, checkSNP = TRUE)


An object of class c("loci", "data.frame") for as.loci

and genind2loci; an object of class "genind" for

loci2genind; an object of class "SnpMatrix" for




an object of class "loci" or "genind", a data frame, a factor, or a vector of mode character.


the character(s) separating the alleles for each locus in the data file (a forward slash by default).


specifies whether one of the column of the data file identifies the population; default NULL, otherwise an integer or a character giving the number or the name of the column.


a vector of integers or of characters specifying the indices or the names of the columns that are loci. By default, all columns are taken as loci except the one labelled "population", if present or specified.


the ploidy level (see details).


a vector of charater strings giving the alleles to be treated as missing data.


a logical value; by default, the genotypes are unphased before conversion (this should not be changed).


further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


a logical value. If you are sure that all data in the "loci" object are SNPs, using checkSNP = FALSE makes it faster.


Emmanuel Paradis


The main objectives of these functions is to provide easy conversion between the data structures of adegenet and pegas, so both packages can be used together smoothly. In addition, it is possible to create a "loci" object directly from a data frame, a vector, or a factor.

genind2loci(x) and as.loci(x) are the same if x is of class "genind".

The ploidy level specified in loci2genind can be a vector in which case it should be of length equal to the number of individuals and will be interpreted as giving the ploidy of each of them. Note that this is different from getPloidy which returns the ploidy level of each locus.

See Also

read.loci, genind, df2genind for converting data frames to "genind", alleles2loci


Run this code
x <- c("A-A", "A-a", "a-a")
as.loci(x, allele.sep = "-")
if (FALSE) {
x <- as.loci(nancycats)
y <- loci2genind(x) # back to "genind"
identical(nancycats@tab, y@tab)
identical(nancycats@pop, y@pop)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab