phyclust (version 0.1-24)

.substitution.model: Substitution Models for Mutation Processes


An object stores substitution models for mutation processes for Continuous Time Markov Chain theory. This is a read-only object and the elemental order is followed in C.





A data frame contains two character vectors, mode and code.type.


This data frame indicates substitution models implemented in C.

  • 'model': names of substitution models for mutations.

  • 'code.type': code types of substitution models, either NUCLEOTIDE or SNP.

The major models are:

Model Author and Publication Parameter
JC69 Jukes and Cantor 1969. \(t\)
K80 Kimura 1980. \(\kappa, t\)
F81 Felsenstein 1981. \(\pi, t\)
HKY85 Hasegawa, Kishino, and Yano 1985. \(\pi, \kappa, t\)

Other models starting with E_ use empirical frequencies for equilibrium probabilities.


Phylogenetic Clustering Website:

Jukes, T. H. and Cantor, C. R. (1969) “Evolution of Protein Molecules”, Mammalian Protein Metabolism, 3, 21-132

Kimura, M. (1980) “A Simple Method for Estimating Evolutionary Rates of Base Substitutions through Comparative Studies of Nucleotide Sequences”, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 16, 111-120

Felsenstein, J. (1981) “Evolutionary Trees from DNA Sequences: A Maximum Likelihood Approach”, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 17, 368-376

Hasegawa, M. and Kishino, H. and Yano, T. (1985) “Dating of the Human-Ape Splitting by a Molecular Clock of Mitochondrial DNA”, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 22:2, 160-174

See Also

.show.option, .code.type, .identifier, .EMControl, phyclust.


Run this code
library(phyclust, quiet = TRUE)

# }

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