pixiedust (version 0.9.4)

sprinkle_gradient: Change Color Features by Binning Numeric Values


Numeric values within a range of cells are binned and colors assigned to show gradual increases in the numeric value.


  rows = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  gradient = "bg",
  gradient_colors = getOption("pixie_gradient_pal", NULL),
  gradient_cut = NULL,
  gradient_n = 10,
  gradient_na = "grey",
  part = c("body", "head", "foot", "interfoot", "table"),
  fixed = FALSE,
  recycle = c("none", "rows", "cols", "columns"),

# S3 method for default sprinkle_gradient( x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, gradient = "bg", gradient_colors = getOption("pixie_gradient_pal", c("#132B43", "#56B1F7")), gradient_cut = NULL, gradient_n = 10, gradient_na = "grey", part = c("body", "head", "foot", "interfoot", "table"), fixed = FALSE, recycle = c("none", "rows", "cols", "columns"), ... )

# S3 method for dust_list sprinkle_gradient( x, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, gradient = "bg", gradient_colors = getOption("pixie_gradient_pal", c("#132B43", "#56B1F7")), gradient_cut = NULL, gradient_n = 10, gradient_na = "grey", part = c("body", "head", "foot", "interfoot", "table"), fixed = FALSE, recycle = c("none", "rows", "cols", "columns"), ... )



An object of class dust


Either a numeric vector of rows in the tabular object to be modified or an object of class call. When a call, generated by quote(expression), the expression resolves to a logical vector the same length as the number of rows in the table. Sprinkles are applied to where the expression resolves to TRUE.


Either a numeric vector of columns in the tabular object to be modified, or a character vector of column names. A mixture of character and numeric indices is permissible.


character. A subset of c("bg", "font", "font_color", "border", "left_border", "top_border", "right_border", "bottom_border").


character(2). Gives the colors between which to shared gradients.


numeric. Determines the breaks points for the gradient shading. When NULL equally spaced quantiles are used, the number of which are determined by gradient_n.


numeric(1). Determines the number of shades to use between the colors in gradient_colors


character(1) A valid color that sets the color of NA values when shading a numeric range.


A character string denoting which part of the table to modify.


logical(1) indicating if the values in rows and cols should be read as fixed coordinate pairs. By default, sprinkles are applied at the intersection of rows and cols, meaning that the arguments do not have to share the same length. When fixed = TRUE, they must share the same length.


A character one that determines how sprinkles are managed when the sprinkle input doesn't match the length of the region to be sprinkled. By default, recycling is turned off. Recycling may be performed across rows first (left to right, top to bottom), or down columns first (top to bottom, left to right).


Additional arguments to pass to other methods. Currently ignored.

Functional Requirements

  1. Correctly reassigns the appropriate elements of the bg, font_color, left_border, top_border, right_border, or bottom_border column in the table part.

  2. Casts an error if x is not a dust object.

  3. Casts an error if gradient is not a subset of c("bg", "font", "font_color", "border", "left_border", "right_border", "top_border", "bottom_border")

  4. Casts an error if gradient_colors is not a character(2) value.

  5. Casts an error if any value of gradient_colors is not a recognized color value.

  6. Casts an error if gradient_cut is not numeric.

  7. Casts an error if gradient_n is not numeric(1).

  8. Casts an error if gradient_na is not character(1).

  9. Casts an error if gradient_na is not a valid color.

  10. Casts an error if part is not one of "body", "head", "foot", or "interfoot"

  11. Casts an error if fixed is not a logical(1)

  12. Casts an error if recycle is not one of "none", "rows", or "cols"

The functional behavior of the fixed and recycle arguments is not tested for this function. It is tested and validated in the tests for index_to_sprinkle.


This sprinkle is only recognized by HTML and LaTeX. All of the height_units values are recognized by HTML. For LaTeX, "px" is converted to "pt".

"font" and "font_color" both change the font color.

"border" is a shortcut to specify all borders.

See Also

sprinkle, index_to_sprinkle