pool (version 0.1.6)

dbPool: Create a DBI Database Connection Pool.


A wrapper around poolCreate to simplify the creation of a DBI database connection pool. Check the documentation of poolCreate() for a generic overview of the parent function and the Pool object. The main thing to point out is that, for dbPool, you always need to provide a DBI driver (i.e. of class DBI::DBIDriver-class()), and it should always be accompanied by the required authorization arguments (see the example below).


dbPool(drv, ..., validateQuery = NULL)



An object that inherits from DBI::DBIDriver-class(), or an existing DBI::DBIConnection-class() object (in order to clone an existing connection).


Arguments needed for both DBI::dbConnect() (mandatory if required by the DBIDriver you're using) and poolCreate() (optional) - all arguments should be named:

  1. The required authorization arguments needed by the DBMS instance; these typically include user, password, dbname, host, port, etc. For details check the appropriate DBIDriver's documentation.

  2. Optionally, override the poolCreate defaults: minSize (minimum number of connections that the pool should have at all times), maxSize (maximum number of connections that the pool may have at any time), idleTimeout (number of seconds to wait before closing a connection, if the number of connection is above minSize), and validationInterval (number of seconds to wait before validating the connection again).


The query to run to verify that the connection is valid (it should be as simple as possible). If this is not provided, dbPool will try a few possibilities, but these are not exhaustive.


Run this code
# Using the RMySQL package
if (requireNamespace("RMySQL", quietly = TRUE)) {
  pool <- dbPool(
    drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
    dbname = "shinydemo",
    host = "shiny-demo.csa7qlmguqrf.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
    username = "guest",
    password = "guest"

  dbGetQuery(pool, "SELECT * from City LIMIT 5;")
  #>   ID           Name CountryCode      District Population
  #> 1  1          Kabul         AFG         Kabol    1780000
  #> 2  2       Qandahar         AFG      Qandahar     237500
  #> 3  3          Herat         AFG         Herat     186800
  #> 4  4 Mazar-e-Sharif         AFG         Balkh     127800
  #> 5  5      Amsterdam         NLD Noord-Holland     731200


} else {
  message("Please install the 'RMySQL' package to run this example")

# Using a DSN with an ODBC driver
if (FALSE) {
pool <- dbPool(odbc::odbc(), dsn = "Data Source Name")

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace