pracma (version 1.9.9)

sind,cosd,tand, etc.: Trigonometric Functions in Degrees


Trigonometric functions expecting input in degrees, not radians.


sind(x) cosd(x) tand(x) cotd(x) asind(x) acosd(x) atand(x) acotd(x) secd(x) cscd(x) asecd(x) acscd(x) atan2d(x1, x2)


x, x1, x2
numeric or complex scalars or vectors


Returns a scalar or vector of numeric values.


The usual trigonometric functions with input values as scalar or vector in degrees. Note that tan(x) with fractional part does not return NaN as tanpi(x), but is computed as sind(x)/cosd(x).

For atan2d the inputs x1,x2 can be both degrees or radians, but don't mix! The result is in degrees, of course.

See Also

Other trigonometric functions in R.


Run this code
# sind(x) and cosd(x) are accurate for x which are multiples
# of 90 and 180 degrees, while tand(x) is problematic.

x <- seq(0, 720, by = 90)
sind(x)                     # 0  1  0 -1  0  1  0 -1  0
cosd(x)                     # 1  0 -1  0  1  0 -1  0  1
tand(x)                     # 0  Inf  0  -Inf  0  Inf  0  -Inf  0
cotd(x)                     # Inf  0  -Inf  0  Inf  0  -Inf  0  Inf

x <- seq(5, 85, by = 20)
asind(sind(x))              # 5 25 45 65 85
tand(x)                     # 0.08748866  0.46630766  1.00000000  ...
atan2d(1, 1)                # 45

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