Useful git pre-commit hooks for R related projects

A collection of git pre-commit hooks to use with Currently, we have:

  • style-files: A hook to style files with styler. Only commit code corresponding to the tidyverse style guide. NOTE: devel version of styler strongly suggested. Install via remotes::install_github('r-lib/styler'). To customize, see Hooks arguments below.

  • readme-rmd-rendered: Make sure README.Rmd hasn’t been edited more recently than, i.e. remind you to render the .Rmd to .md before committing.

  • parsable-R: Checks if your .R files are “valid” R code.

  • no-browser-statement: Guarantees you that you don’t accidentally commit code with a browser() statement in it.

  • spell-check: Checks spelling with spelling::spell_check_files(). Excluded are R and python scrips as well as .gitignore. To customize, see Hooks arguments below.

  • roxygenize: A hook to run roxygen2::roxygenize(). Makes sure you commit your .Rd changes with the source changes.

  • deps-in-desc: Checks if packagese used in the pkgname::fun() syntax are listed in your DESCRIPTION file.

  • use-tidy-description: A hook to run usethis::use_tidy_description() to ensure dependencies are ordered alphabetically and fields are in standard order.

  • lintr: A hook to run lintr::lint() to check that R files are lint


To add a pre-commit hook to your project, install pre-commit as described in the official documentation and make sure that the executable pre-commit is in a place that is on your $PATH.

If you’ve installed pre-commit, you can add it to a specific project by adding a .pre-commit-config.yaml file that has a structure like this:

-   repo:
    rev: v0.0.0.9016
    -   id: style-files
    -   id: parsable-R
    -   id: no-browser-statement
    -   id: readme-rmd-rendered
    -   id: roxygenize
    -   id: use-tidy-description
    -   id: lintr

The repo key points to the place where the source code of the hooks are stored, not the repo you want to apply them to.

Some hooks also take arguments, see section Arguments below.

If you want to see the file .pre-commit-config.yaml in RStudio, you have to enable “Show Hidden Files” in the Files Pane of RStudio under More.

Next, run pre-commit install in your repo and you are done. The next time you run git commit, the hooks listed in your .pre-commit-config.yaml will get executed before the commit. When any file is changed due to running a hook, the commit will fail. Do not abort while hooks are running. Non-staged changes are stashed to a temp directory when the hooks are run and may not easily be recovered afterwards. You can inspect the changes introduced by the hook and if satisfied, you can attempt to commit again. If all hooks pass, the commit is made. You can also temporarily disable hooks. If you succeed, it should look like this:

You can also add other hooks from other repos, by extending the .pre-commit-config.yaml file, e.g. like this:

-   repo:
    rev: v1.2.3
    -   id: check-added-large-files

To update the hook revisions, just run pre-commit autoupdate.

Why use hooks?

The goal of pre-commit hooks is to improve the quality of commits. This is achieved by making sure your commits meet some (formal) requirements, e.g:

  • that they comply to a certain coding style (with the hook style-files).

  • that you commit derivatives such as or .Rd files with their source instead of spreading them over multiple commits.

  • and so on.

As all changes enter a repository history with a commit, we believe many checks should be performed at that point, and not only later on a CI service. For example, creating auto-commits at a CI service for styling code creates unnecessary extra commits, as styling can be checked at the time of committing and is relatively inexpensive.

Why use the pre-commit framework?

Implementing hooks in a framework such as has multiple benefits compared to using simple bash scripts in .git/hooks:

  • easily use hooks other people have created, in bash, R, python and other languages. There is a wealth of useful hooks available, most listed here. For example, check-added-large-files prevents you from committing big files, other hooks validate json or yaml files and so on.

  • No need to worry about dependencies, testing, different versions of hooks, file filtering for specific hooks etc. It’s all handled by pre-commit.

  • Hooks are maintained in one place, and you just need a .pre-commit-config.yaml file. No need to c/p hooks from one project to another.

Have an idea for a hook? Please file an issue.

Hook arguments

Arguments are specified as described in the documentation, that is, as children in the .pre-commit-config.yaml. The following hooks take arguments:

  • style-files: Argument style_pkg and style_fun if you want to use another style guide than the default. The below example styles code according to the one-line-style: args: [--style_pkg=oneliner, --style_fun=one_line_style].

  • spell-check: Argument ignore_files takes a regular expression matched with base::grep() to ignore further files from the hook. Argument lang is passed to spelling::spell_check_files().

  • lintr: Arguments are not supported. Instead, lintr config should be specified in a .lintr config file in Debian Control Field Format as specified in the .lintr documentation.

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Last Published

January 1st, 1970

Functions in precommithooks (