projects (version 2.1.3)

setup_projects: Set up the projects folder


Creates or restores the projects folder at the user-specified path.


  folder_name = "projects",
  overwrite = FALSE,
  make_directories = FALSE,
  .Renviron_path = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron")



The file path of the directory inside of which the user would like the projects folder to be created. Do not include the name of the projects folder itself (i.e., the value of the argument folder_name below).


The name of the projects folder that will be created in the directory specified by the argument path above. Defaults to "projects".


Logical indicating whether or not to abandon any previously stored projects folders stored in the system.


Logical indicating whether or not the function should write any directories specified in the path argument that don't already exist.


The full file path of the .Renviron file where the user would like to store the projects_folder() path. Default is the home .Renviron file. If the file doesn't exist it will be created.


The project folder's path, invisibly.

Default contents

The projects folder automatically contains the subdirectories .metadata and .templates, which are hidden by default on some operating systems.

The .metadata folder and its contents should never be manually moved or modified.

The .templates folder is where template project files and folders should be stored. When this function is successfully run, the default projects folder template is created (as "default_folder") alongside a few other template files. When a new project is created, new_project() looks here for the folder named by its template_folder argument ("default_folder" by default), and this folder is copied into the projects folder (with name specified by the folder_name argument) as the new project folder. Users are able and encouraged to customize the default_folder to suit their research needs, and may even create multiple project folder templates for different situations.

The default templates are in the folder located at the path produced by running: system.file("templates", package = "projects")

Behavior when projects folder already exists

If overwrite = TRUE, the function will run no matter what. Use with caution.

If the user has a pre-existing projects folder and runs this command with the pre-existing projects folder's path, nothing will be deleted.

Therefore, if the user "broke" the projects folder (e.g., by deleting metadata; by changing the "PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH" line in the .Renviron file), the user can "fix" the projects folder to some degree by running this function with the folder's actual file path (e.g., restore all default templates; restore missing metadata files).


The projects package remembers where the projects folder is located by storing its file path in a .Renviron file (the home .Renviron file by default). The entry is named PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH.

Note that changing the .Renviron_path argument may create an .Renviron file that R will not notice or use. See Startup for more details.

See Also

new_project() for information on templates

Startup for more information on how .Renviron files work.


Run this code
# Setup
# Any existing "projects" folder is left totally untouched,
# and the user's home directory and .Renviron file are also left untouched.
old_home  <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
old_ppath <- Sys.getenv("PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH")
temp_dir <- tempfile("dir")
Sys.setenv(HOME = temp_dir)

# Creating the projects folder
setup_projects(path = temp_dir)

# Viewing the projects folder path:
path1 <- projects_folder()

# Viewing the contents of the projects folder:
list.files(path1, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,  all.files = TRUE)

# Create an arbitrary subfolder in temp_dir:
subfolder_path <- file.path(temp_dir, "test")

# Wrapped in if (interactive()) because it requires user input
if (interactive()) {
  # The function won't let the user abandon the old projects folder...
  setup_projects(path = subfolder_path)

  # ...unless overwrite = TRUE
  setup_projects(path = file.path(temp_dir, "test"), overwrite = TRUE)

  # Even then, only the stored location of the projects folder is overwritten.
  # The old projects folder still exists:
  list.files(path1, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,  all.files = TRUE)

  # Giving the "projects" folder a different name:
  setup_projects(path = temp_dir, folder_name = "studies", overwrite = TRUE)

# Cleanup
# (or, the user can just restart R)
Sys.setenv(HOME = old_home, PROJECTS_FOLDER_PATH = old_ppath)
# }

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