ps (version 1.5.0)

ps_windows_nice_values: Get or set the priority of a process


ps_get_nice() returns the current priority, ps_set_nice() sets a new priority, ps_windows_nice_values() list the possible priority values on Windows.



ps_get_nice(p = ps_handle())

ps_set_nice(p = ps_handle(), value)



Process handle.


On Windows it must be a string, one of the values of ps_windows_nice_values(). On Unix it is a priority value that is smaller than or equal to 20.


ps_windows_nice_values() return a character vector of possible priority values on Windows.

ps_get_nice() returns a string from ps_windows_nice_values() on Windows. On Unix it returns an integer smaller than or equal to 20.

ps_set_nice() return NULL invisibly.


Priority values are different on Windows and Unix.

On Unix, priority is an integer, which is maximum 20. 20 is the lowest priority.


  • On Windows you can only set the priority of the processes the current user has PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION access rights to. This typically means your own processes.

  • On Unix you can only set the priority of the your own processes. The superuser can set the priority of any process.

  • On Unix you cannot set a higher priority, unless you are the superuser. (I.e. you cannot set a lower number.)

  • On Unix the default priority of a process is zero.