pspearman (version 0.1-10)

spearman.test: Spearman's rank correlation test with improved accuracy


This function is a modified copy of the part of the function cor.test(), which evaluates Spearman's rank correlation test. There are two modifications described below, which improve the accuracy of the p-value.


spearman.test(x, y,
         alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
         method = "spearman",
         exact = NULL, conf.level = 0.95, ...)


x, y, alternative, exact, conf.level, ...
have exactly the same meaning as in cor.test. See the corresponding help page.
defaults to "spearman" and this should not be changed.


  • A list with class "htest" with the same structure as the value of the function cor.test(method="spearman"). Except of the p-value, also the contents is identical.


  • Spearman correlation coefficient
  • Spearman's rho


In cases, where the correlation is positive, AS 89 is called with S+2 instead of S+1, which is used in cor.test. Since AS 89 assumes an even input, this increases accuracy.

Function cor.test uses AS 89 only if n <= 1290<="" code=""> and less accurate approximation using Student's t distribution otherwise. The code of cor.test contains a comment n*(n^2 - 1) does not overflow at the line with the test n <= 1290<="" code="">, which possibly tries to explain the reason for this restriction. However, this comment is probably related to older versions of the code. Currently, n is used in the C code after conversion to double and no integer overflow occurs for n > 1290. Hence, the function spearman.test uses AS 89 in all cases, unless the user explicitly specifies exact=FALSE.


Run this code
x <- 1:10
y <- c(5:1,6,10:7)
out1 <- cor.test(x,y,method="spearman")
out2 <- spearman.test(x,y)
# out1$p.value = 0.05169460
# out2$p.value = 0.05444507
# the correct p-value in this case is 0.05443067
c(out1$p.value, out2$p.value)
out2$p.value <- out1$p.value
# except of the p-value, the output is identical

# for negative correlation, there is no difference
out3 <- cor.test(x,-y,method="spearman")
out4 <- spearman.test(x,-y)

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