psychotools (version 0.7-3)

SourceMonitoring: Performance in a Source-Monitoring Experiment


Response frequencies of 128 participants who took part in a source-monitoring experiment with two sources.





A data frame containing 128 observations on four components.


Factor. Sources A and B.


Integer. Age of the respondents in years.


Factor coding gender.


Matrix containing the response frequencies. The column names indicate the nine response categories:

a.aNumber of source A items judged to be of source A.
a.bNumber of source A items judged to be of source B.
a.nNumber of source A items judged to be new.
b.aNumber of source B items judged to be of source A.
b.bNumber of source B items judged to be of source B.
b.nNumber of source B items judged to be new.
n.aNumber of new items judged to be of source A.
n.bNumber of new items judged to be of source B.
n.nNumber of new items judged to be new.


In a source-monitoring experiment with two sources, participants study items from two different sources, A and B. The final memory test consists of A and B items along with new distractor items, N. Participants are required to classify each item as A, B, or N.

In an experiment at the Department of Psychology, University of Tuebingen (Wickelmaier & Zeileis, 2013, 2018), two source conditions were used in the study phase: Half of the subjects had to read items either quietly (source A = think) or aloud (source B = say). The other half had to write items down (source A = write) or read them aloud (source B = say).

The data were analyzed using the multinomial processing tree model of source monitoring (Batchelder & Riefer, 1990).


Batchelder WH, Riefer DM (1990). Multinomial Processing Tree Models of Source Monitoring. Psychological Review, 97, 548--564.

Wickelmaier F, Zeileis A (2018). Using Recursive Partitioning to Account for Parameter Heterogeneity in Multinomial Processing Tree Models. Behavior Research Methods, 50(3), 1217--1233. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3758/s13428-017-0937-z")


Run this code
data("SourceMonitoring", package = "psychotools")
xtabs(~ gender + I(age >= 30) + sources, SourceMonitoring)

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