ptmixed (version 0.4.1)

summary.ptglmm: Summarizing Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial mixed model estimation results


Provides parameter estimates, standard errors and univariate Wald test for the Poisson-Tweedie and negative binomial generalized linear mixed models (fitted through ptmixed and nbmixed respectively)


# S3 method for ptglmm
summary(object, wald = T, ...)



an object of class ptglmm (obtained from ptmixed or nbmixed).


logical. If TRUE, standard errors and univariate Wald test are computed. Default is TRUE.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


A list with the following elements: value of the loglikelihood at the MLE (logl), table with maximum likelihood estimates of the regression coefficients, SEs and Wald tests coefficients, and maximum likelihood estimates of the other parameters (D, a and sigma2)

See Also

ptmixed, nbmixed and the examples therein