purrr (version 0.2.2)

rerun: Re-run expressions multiple times.


This is a convenient way of generating sample data. It works similarly to replicate(..., simplify = FALSE).


rerun(.n, ...)


Number of times to run expressions
Expressions to re-run.


A list of length .n. Each element of ... will be re-run once for each .n. ItThere is one special case: if there's a single unnamed input, the second level list will be dropped. In this case, rerun(n, x) behaves like replicate(n, x, simplify = FALSE).


Run this code
10 %>% rerun(rnorm(5))
10 %>%
  rerun(x = rnorm(5), y = rnorm(5)) %>%
  map_dbl(~ cor(.x$x, .x$y))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab