purrr (version 0.2.2)

safely: Capture side effects.


These functions wrap functions so instead generating side effects through output, messages, warnings, and errors, they instead return enchanced output. They are all adverbs because they modify the action of a verb (a function).


safely(.f, otherwise = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
possibly(.f, otherwise, quiet = TRUE)


A function, formula, or atomic vector.

If a function, it is used as is.

If a formula, e.g. ~ .x + 2, it is converted to a function with two arguments, .x or . and .y. This allows you to create very compact anonymous functions with up to two inputs.

If character or integer vector, e.g. "y", it is converted to an extractor function, function(x) x[["y"]]. To index deeply into a nested list, use multiple values; c("x", "y") is equivalent to z[["x"]][["y"]]. You can also set .null to set a default to use instead of NULL for absent components.

Default value to use when an error occurs.
Hide errors (TRUE, the default), or display them as they occur?


safe: a list with components result and error. One value is always NULLoutputs: a list with components result, output, messages and warnings.


Run this code
safe_log <- safely(log)

list("a", 10, 100) %>%
  map(safe_log) %>%

# This is a bit easier to work with if you supply a default value
# of the same type and use the simplify argument to transpose():
safe_log <- safely(log, otherwise = NA_real_)
list("a", 10, 100) %>%
  map(safe_log) %>%
  transpose() %>%

# To replace errors with a default value, use possibly().
list("a", 10, 100) %>%
  map_dbl(possibly(log, NA_real_))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab