qrng (version 0.0-7)

test_functions: Test Functions


Functions for testing low-discrepancy sequences.


sobol_g(u, copula = indepCopula(dim = ncol(u)), alpha = 1:ncol(u), ...)
exceedance(x, q, p = 0.99, method = c("indicator", "individual.given.sum.exceeds",



\((n, d)\)-matrix containing \(n\) \(d\)-dimensional realizations (of a potential quasi-random number generator). For sum_of_squares() these need to be marginally standard uniform and for sobol_g() they need to follow the copula specified by copula.


Copula object for which the inverse Rosenblatt transformation exists.


vector of parameters of Sobol's g test function.

additional arguments passed to the underlying cCopula().


\((n, d)\)-matrix containing \(n\) \(d\)-dimensional realizations.



\(d\)-vector containing the componentwise thresholds; if a number it is recycled to a \(d\)-vector.

"individual.given.sum.exceeds", "sum.given.sum.exceeds"

threshold for the sum (row sums of x).


If q is not provided, the probability p is used to determine q.


\(d\)-vector containing the probabilities determining componentwise thresholds via empirical quantiles; if a number, it is recycled to a \(d\)-vector.

"individual.given.sum.exceeds", "sum.given.sum.exceeds"

probability determining the threshold for the sum (row sums of x) via the corresponding empirical quantile.


character string indicating the type of exceedance computed (see Section Value below).


sum_of_squares() returns an \(n\)-vector (numeric(n)) with the rowwise computed scaled sum of squares (theoretically integrating to 1).

sobol_g() returns an \(n\)-vector (numeric(n)) with the rowwise computed Sobol' g functions.

exceedance()'s return value depends on method:


returns indicators whether, componentwise, x exceeds the threshold determined by q.


returns all rows of x whose sum exceeds the threshold determined by q.


returns the row sums of those rows of x whose sum exceeds the threshold determined by q.


For examples see the demo man_test_functions.

See ES_np(<matrix>) from qrmtools for another test function.


Radovic, I., Sobol', I. M. and Tichy, R. F. (1996). Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for numerical integration: Comparison of different low discrepancy sequences. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 2(1), 1--14.

Faure, H., Lemieux, C. (2009). Generalized Halton Sequences in 2008: A Comparative Study. ACM-TOMACS 19(4), Article 15.

Owen, A. B. (2003). The dimension distribution and quadrature test functions. Stat. Sinica 13, 1-<U+2013>17.

Sobol', I. M. and Asotsky, D. I. (2003). One more experiment on estimating high-dimensional integrals by quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Math. Comput. Simul. 62, 255<U+2013>-263.


Run this code
## Generate some (here: copula, pseudo-random) data
cop <- claytonCopula(iTau(claytonCopula(), tau = 0.5)) # Clayton copula
U <- rCopula(1000, copula = cop)

## Compute sum of squares test function
mean(sum_of_squares(U)) # estimate of E(3(sum_{j=1}^d U_j^2)/d)

## Compute the Sobol' g test function
if(packageVersion("copula") >= "0.999-20")
    mean(sobol_g(U)) # estimate of E(<Sobol's g function>)

## Compute an exceedance probability
X <- qnorm(U)
mean(exceedance(X, q = qnorm(0.99))) # fixed threshold q
mean(exceedance(X, p = 0.99)) # empirically estimated marginal p-quantiles as thresholds

## Compute 99% expected shortfall for the sum
mean(exceedance(X, p = 0.99, method = "sum.given.sum.exceeds"))
## Or use ES_np(X, level = 0.99) from 'qrmtools'
# }

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