qualtRics (version 3.2.0)

column_map: Retrieve a data frame containing survey column mapping


Retrieve a data frame containing survey column mapping





A string. Unique ID for the survey you want to download. Returned as id by the all_surveys function.


If the request to the Qualtrics API made by this function fails, the request will be retried. If you see these failures on a 500 error (such as a 504 error) be patient while the request is retried; it will typically succeed on retrying. If you see other types of errors, retrying is unlikely to help.

See Also

See https://api.qualtrics.com/ for documentation on the Qualtrics API.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# Register your Qualtrics credentials if you haven't already
  api_key = "",
  base_url = ""

# Retrieve a list of surveys
surveys <- all_surveys()

# Retrieve column mapping for a survey
mapping <- column_map(surveyID = surveys$id[6])

# Retrieve a single survey, filtering for specific questions
mysurvey <- fetch_survey(
  surveyID = surveys$id[6],
  save_dir = tempdir(),
  include_questions = c("QID1", "QID2", "QID3"),
  verbose = TRUE

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab