rapport (version 1.0)

ius2008: Internet Usage Survey


This dataset contains data gathered in a survey of Internet usage in Serbian population in the period from April to May 2008. During 90-day period, there were gathered 709 valid responses via on-line distributed questionnaire.



However, this dataset does not contain the original data, as some random noise is added afterwards, in order to demonstrate functionality of rapport helpers.

Dataset variables can be divided into 3 sets: demographic data, Internet usage aspects and application usage/content preference.

Demographic variables

  • gender - respondent's gender (factor with 2 levels: "male" and "female")

  • age - respondent's age

  • dwell - dwelling (factor with 3 levels: "village", "small town" and "city")

  • student - is respondent a student? (factor with 2 levels: "no" and "yes")

  • partner - partnership status (factor with 3 levels: "single", "in a relationship" and "married")

Internet usage aspects

Following variables depict various aspects of Internet usage:

  • edu - time spent on-line in educational purposes (expressed in hours)

  • leisure - time spent on-line in leisure time (expressed in hours)

  • net.required - is Internet access required for your profession? (factor with 5 levels: "never", "rarely", "sometimes", "often" and "always")

  • net.pay - who pays for Internet access? (factor with 5 levels: "parents", "school/faculty", "employer", "self-funded" and "other")

  • net.use - how long is respondent using Internet? (ordered factor with 7 levels, ranging from "less than 6 months" to "more than 5 years")

Application usage and on-line content preference

These variables include data on the use of Internet applications and content available on the Internet. Practically, they contain responses from a set of 8 questions on a five-point Likert scale.

  • chatim - usage of chat and/or instant messaging applications

  • game - usage of on-line games

  • surf - frequency of web-surfing

  • email - usage of e-mail applications

  • download - frequency of file downloading

  • forum - attendance at web-forums

  • socnet - usage of social networking services

  • xxx - traffic to pornographic websites


Run this code
rapport("example", ius2008, var = "it.leisure")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab