ratesci (version 0.2-0)

tdasci: t-distribution asymptotic score ("TDAS") confidence intervals for


Wrapper function for the TDAS method. Score-based stratified confidence intervals for the rate (or risk) difference ("RD") or ratio ("RR") for independent binomial or Poisson rates, or for odds ratio ("OR", binomial only), or the single rate ("p"). This function combines vector inputs into a single stratified analysis (e.g. meta-analysis). The TDAS method incorporates any stratum variability into the confidence interval.


tdasci(x1, n1, x2 = NULL, n2 = NULL, distrib = "bin", contrast = "RD",
  level = 0.95, cc = 0, delta = NULL, theta0 = NULL, precis = 6,
  plot = FALSE, plotmax = 100, weighting = "IVS", wt = NULL, ...)


x1, x2
Numeric vectors of numbers of events in group 1 & group 2 respectively.
n1, n2
Numeric vectors of sample sizes (for binomial rates) or exposure times (for Poisson rates) in each group.
Character string indicating distribution assumed for the input data: "bin" = binomial (default), "poi" = Poisson.
Character string indicating the contrast of interest: "RD" = rate difference (default), "RR" = rate ratio, "OR" = odds ratio, "p" = single proportion.
Number specifying confidence level (between 0 and 1, default 0.95).
Number or logical (default FALSE) specifying (amount of) continuity correction.
(deprecated: parameter renamed to theta0)
Number to be used in a one-sided significance test (e.g. non-inferiority margin). 1-sided p-value will be <0.025 iff 2-sided 95% CI excludes theta0. NB: can also be used for a superiority test by setting theta0 = 0 (RD) or 1 (RR/OR). By default, a two-sided test against theta0 = 0 or 1 is also output: if bcf=F and skew=F this is the same as Pearson's Chi-squared test.
Number (default 6) specifying precision to be used in optimisation subroutine (i.e. number of decimal places).
Logical (default FALSE) indicating whether to output plot of the score function
Numeric value indicating maximum value to be displayed on x-axis of plots (useful for ratio contrasts which can be infinite).
String indicating which weighting method to use if stratified = "TRUE": "IVS" = Inverse Variance of Score (default), "MH" = Mantel-Haenszel, "MN" = Miettinen-Nurminen iterative weights.
Numeric vector containing (optional) user-specified weights.
Other arguments.