rdwd (version 1.8.0)

index: Indexes of files and metadata on the DWD CDC FTP server


Created with indexFTP() and createIndex() used in updateIndexes().
In functions, you can access them with rdwd:::fileIndex etc.
fileIndex: A data.frame with the filenames (and derived information) at the default base value dwdbase.
metaIndex: A data.frame with the contents of all the station description files (..._Beschreibung_Stationen.txt) under dwdbase.
geoIndex: metaIndex distilled to geographic locations.
gridIndex: Vector of file paths at gridbase.
formatIndex: (modified) table from https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/observations_germany/climate/subdaily/standard_format/formate_kl.html



fileIndex: data.frame with character strings. ca 260k rows x 8 columns:
res, var, per (see selectDWD()), station id, time series start and end, and ismeta information, all according to path.
metaIndex: data.frame with ca 97k rows for 12 columns:
Stations_id, von_datum, bis_datum, Stationshoehe, geoBreite, geoLaenge, Stationsname, Bundesland, res, var, per, hasfile
geoIndex: data.frame with ca 6k rows for 11 columns:
id, name, state, lat, lon, ele, nfiles, nonpublic, recentfile, display, col
gridIndex: Vector with ca 50k file paths at gridbase
formatIndex: data.frame with 140 rows for 12 columns:
Ke_Ind, Kennung, Label, Beschreibung, Einheit, Code-Tabellen, Zusatzinfo, Typ, Pos, Erlaubt, Fehlk, dividebyten


Berry Boessenkool, berry-b@gmx.de, June-Nov 2016, June 2017, Oct 2019

See Also

createIndex(), indexFTP(), selectDWD(), findID(), metaInfo(), website index chapter


Run this code

# in functions, you can use head(rdwd:::fileIndex) etc, but I don't export them
# because Hadley says 'Never @export a data set' in
# browseURL("http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/data.html#data-data")

# To use a custom index, see
# browseURL("https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd/fileindex.html")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab