rdwd (version 1.2.0)

readDWD: Process data from the DWD CDC FTP Server


Read climate data that was downloaded with dataDWD. The data is unzipped and subsequently, the file is read, processed and returned as a data.frame / raster object. New users are advised to set varnames=TRUE to obtain more informative column names. readDWD will call internal (but documented) functions depending on the arguments multia, meta, stand, binary, raster, nc, radar, asc: to read observational data (overview): readDWD.data, readDWD.multia, readDWD.stand, readDWD.meta to read gridded data (overview): readDWD.binary, readDWD.raster, readDWD.radar, readDWD.nc, readDWD.asc Not all arguments to readDWD are used for all functions, e.g. fread is used only by .data, while dividebyten is used in .raster and .asc. file can be a vector with several filenames. Most other arguments can also be a vector and will be recycled to the length of file.


readDWD(file, quiet = FALSE, progbar = !quiet, fread = FALSE,
  varnames = FALSE, var = "", format = NA, tz = "GMT",
  dividebyten = TRUE, multia = grepl("Standort.txt$", file),
  meta = grepl(".txt$", file), stand = grepl("standard_format", file),
  binary = grepl(".tar.gz$", file), raster = grepl(".asc.gz$", file),
  nc = grepl(".nc.gz$", file), radar = grepl(".gz$", file),
  asc = grepl(".tar$", file), ...)



Char (vector): name(s) of the file(s) downloaded with dataDWD, e.g. "~/DWDdata/tageswerte_KL_02575_akt.zip" or "~/DWDdata/RR_Stundenwerte_Beschreibung_Stationen.txt"


Logical: suppress messages? DEFAULT: FALSE


Logical: present a progress bar with estimated remaining time? If missing and length(file)==1, progbar is internally set to FALSE. DEFAULT: !quiet


Logical (vector): read fast? See readDWD.data. DEFAULT: FALSE (some users complain it doesn't work on their PC)


Logical (vector): Expand column names? See readDWD.data. DEFAULT: FALSE


var for readDWD.nc. DEFAULT: ""

format, tz

Format and time zone of time stamps, see readDWD.data


Logical (vector): Divide the values in raster files by ten? Used in readDWD.raster and readDWD.asc. DEFAULT: TRUE


Logical (vector): is the file a multi_annual file? Overrides meta, so set to FALSE manually if readDWD.meta needs to be called on a (manually renamed) Beschreibung file ending with "Standort.txt". See readDWD.multia. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in "Standort.txt"


Logical (vector): is the file a meta file (Beschreibung.txt)? See readDWD.meta. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".txt"


Logical (vector): is the file a subdaily/standard_format file? See readDWD.stand. DEFAULT: TRUE fo files containing "standard_format" in the name.


Logical (vector): does the file contain binary files? See readDWD.binary. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".tar.gz"


Logical (vector): does the file contain a raster file? See readDWD.raster. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".asc.gz"


Logical (vector): does the file contain a netcdf file? See readDWD.nc. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".nc.gz"


Logical (vector): does the file contain a single binary file? See readDWD.radar. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".gz"


Logical (vector): does the file contain asc files? See readDWD.asc. DEFAULT: TRUE for each file ending in ".tar"

Further arguments passed to the internal readDWD.* functions and from those to the underlying reading functions documented in each internal function.


Invisible data.frame of the desired dataset, or a named list of data.frames if length(file) > 1. readDWD.binary, readDWD.raster and readDWD.asc return raster objects instead of data.frames.

See Also

dataDWD, readVars, readMeta, selectDWD https://bookdown.org/brry/rdwd


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# see dataDWD

# }

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