if (FALSE) # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
# File selection and download:
radbase <- paste0(gridbase,"/hourly/radolan/historical/asc/")
radfile <- "2018/RW-201809.tar" # 25 MB to download
file <- dataDWD(radfile, base=radbase, joinbf=TRUE, read=FALSE)
#asc <- readDWD(file) # 4 GB in mem. ~ 20 secs unzip, 10 secs read, 2 min divide
asc <- readDWD(file, selection=1:5, dividebyten=TRUE)
plotRadar(asc[[1]], main=names(asc)[1])
viddir <- paste0(tempdir(),"/RadolanVideo")
png(paste0(viddir,"/Radolan_%03d.png"), width=7, height=5, units="in", res=300)
plotRadar(asc, layer=1:3, main=names(asc)) # 3 secs per layer
# Time series of a given point in space:
plot(unlist(asc[800,800,]), type="l", xlab="Time [hours]")
# if dividebyten=FALSE, terra stores things out of memory in the exdir.
# by default, this is in tempdir, hence you would need to save asc manually:
# terra::writeRaster(asc, tempfile(fileext="/RW2018-09.gpkg"), overwrite=TRUE)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab