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rdwd (version 1.8.0)

readDWD.binary: read dwd gridded radolan binary data


read gridded radolan binary data. Intended to be called via readDWD().


  exdir = sub(".tar.gz$", "", file),
  toraster = TRUE,
  quiet = rdwdquiet(),
  progbar = !quiet,
  selection = NULL,


list depending on argument toraster, see there for details



Name of file on harddrive, like e.g. DWDdata/daily_radolan_historical_bin_2017_SF201712.tar.gz


Directory to unzip into. If existing, only the needed files will be unpacked with untar(). Note that exdir size will be around 1.1 GB. exdir can contain other files, these will be ignored for the actual reading with dwdradar::readRadarFile(). DEFAULT exdir: sub(".tar.gz$", "", file)


Logical: convert output (list of matrixes + meta informations) to a list with dat (terra::rast) + meta (list from the first subfile, but with vector of dates)? DEFAULT: TRUE


Suppress progress messages? DEFAULT: FALSE through rdwdquiet()


Show progress bars? readDWD() will keep progbar=TRUE for binary files, even if length(file)==1. DEFAULT: !quiet, i.e. TRUE


Optionally read only a subset of the ~24*31=744 files. Called as f[selection]. DEFAULT: NULL (ignored)


Further arguments passed to dwdradar::readRadarFile(), i.e. na and clutter


Berry Boessenkool, berry-b@gmx.de, Dec 2018. Significant input for the underlying dwdradar::readRadarFile() came from Henning Rust & Christoph Ritschel at FU Berlin.

See Also

readDWD(), especially readDWD.radar()
https://wradlib.org for much more extensive radar analysis in Python
Kompositformatbeschreibung at https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan.html for format description


Run this code
if (FALSE)  # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests

# SF file as example: ----

SF_link <- "/daily/radolan/historical/bin/2017/SF201712.tar.gz"
SF_file <- dataDWD(url=SF_link, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE,   # 204 MB
                     dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
# exdir radardir set to speed up my tests:
SF_exdir <- "C:/Users/berry/Desktop/DWDbinarySF"
if(!file.exists(SF_exdir)) SF_exdir <- tempdir()
# no need to read all 24*31=744 files, so setting selection:
SF_rad <- readDWD(SF_file, selection=1:10, exdir=SF_exdir) #with toraster=TRUE
if(length(SF_rad)!=2) stop("length(SF_rad) should be 2, but is ", length(SF_rad))

SF_radp <- plotRadar(SF_rad$dat, layer=1:3, main=SF_rad$meta$date)
plotRadar(SF_radp, layer=1, project=FALSE)

# RW file as example: ----

RW_link <- "hourly/radolan/reproc/2017_002/bin/2017/RW2017.002_201712.tar.gz"
RW_file <- dataDWD(url=RW_link, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE,   # 25 MB
                  dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
RW_exdir <- "C:/Users/berry/Desktop/DWDbinaryRW"
if(!file.exists(RW_exdir)) RW_exdir <- tempdir()
RW_rad <- readDWD(RW_file, selection=1:10, exdir=RW_exdir)
RW_radp <- plotRadar(RW_rad$dat[[1]], main=RW_rad$meta$date[1], extent="rw")

# ToDo: why are values + patterns not the same?

# list of all Files: ----
head(grep("historical", gridIndex, value=TRUE))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab