if (FALSE) # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
nwp_t2m_base <- "ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/icon-d2/grib/15/soiltyp"
nwp_urls <- indexFTP("", base=nwp_t2m_base, dir=tempdir())
# for p instead of soiltyp, icosahedral_model-level files fail with GDAL errors,
# see https://github.com/brry/rdwd/issues/28
# regular-lat-lon_pressure-level files work with pack="terra" or "stars"
nwp_file <- dataDWD(tail(nwp_urls,1), base=nwp_t2m_base, dir=tempdir(),
joinbf=TRUE, dbin=TRUE, read=FALSE)
nwp_data <- readDWD(nwp_file)
addBorders() # the projection seems to be perfectly good :)
# index of GRIB files
if(FALSE){ # indexing takes about 6 minutes!
grib_base <- "ftp://opendata.dwd.de/weather/nwp/icon-d2/grib"
grib_files <- indexFTP("", base=grib_base, dir=tempdir())
for(f in unique(substr(grib_files, 1,3))) print(grib_files[which(substr(grib_files, 1,3)==f)[1]])
View(data.frame(grep("regular",grib_files, value=TRUE)))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab