if (FALSE) # Excluded from CRAN checks, but run in localtests
library(berryFunctions) # for seqPal and colPointsLegend
url <- "daily/Project_TRY/pressure/PRED_199606_daymean.nc.gz" # 5 MB
url <- "daily/Project_TRY/humidity/RH_199509_daymean.nc.gz" # 25 MB
file <- dataDWD(url, base=gridbase, joinbf=TRUE, dir=locdir(), read=FALSE)
nc <- readDWD(file)
ncp <- plotRadar(nc, main=paste(terra::longnames(nc), terra::time(nc)), layer=1:3,
col=seqPal(), proj="nc", extent="nc")
str(terra::values(nc[[1]])) # obtain actual values into memory
terra::plot(nc[[1]]) # axes 0:938 / 0:720, the number of grid cells
terra::plot(ncp[[1]])# properly projected, per default onto latlon
rng <- range(terra::global(nc[[1:6]], "range", na.rm=TRUE))
terra::plot(nc, col=seqPal(), zlim=rng, maxnl=6)
# Array instead of terra rast:
nc <- readDWD(file, toraster=FALSE)
image(nc$var[,,1], col=seqPal(), asp=1.1)
colPointsLegend(nc$var[,,1], title=paste(nc$varname, nc$time[1]))
# interactive selection of variable:
# nc <- readDWD(file, toraster=FALSE, var="-") # commented out to not block automated tests
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