registry (version 0.5-1)

regobj: Registry object


Registry object.


                 type = NA, alternatives = NA, default = NA,
                 is_mandatory = FALSE, is_modifiable = TRUE,
                 is_key = FALSE, validity_FUN = NULL,
                 index_FUN = match_ignorecase, \dots)

regobj$has_entry(key) regobj$get_entry(\dots) regobj$get_entries(\dots) regobj$grep_entries(pattern, \dots) regobj$get_entry_names() regobj$set_entry(\dots) regobj$modify_entry(\dots) regobj$delete_entry(\dots) regobj$n_of_entries(name) regobj$get_field_entries(field, unlist = TRUE)

regobj$get_permissions() regobj$restrict_permissions(set_entries = TRUE, modify_entries = TRUE, delete_entries = TRUE, set_fields = TRUE) regobj$seal_entries() regobj$get_sealed_field_names()

# S3 method for registry print(x, …) # S3 method for registry summary(object, …)

# S3 method for registry [[(x, …) # S3 method for registry [(x, …)



character string representing the name of an entry (case-insensitive).


regular expression to be matched to all fields of class "character" in all entries.


character vector specifying accepted classes for this field. If NA (default), any class will be accepted. If type is not a character vector, the class will be inferred from the argument given.


vector of alternatives accepted for this field.


optional default value for the field.


logical specifying whether new entries are required to have a value for this field.


logical specifying whether entries can be changed with respect to that field.


logical indicating whether the field is (part of) an index.


optional function or character string with the name of a function that checks the validity of a field entry. Such a function gets the value to be investigated as argument, and should stop with an error message if the value is not correct.


vectorized predicate function matching an index value to a vector (of existing field entries). See matchfuns.

x, object

a registry object.

for regobj$set_entry and regobj$modify_entry: named list of fields to be modified in or added to the registry, including the index field(s) (see details). For grep_entries: additional parameters passed to grep. For set_field: additional parameters passed to the specified match function. For get_entry, get_entries and the indexing functions: key values for the entry (entries) to be looked up.


regobj represents a registry object returned by registry whose elements can be processed using the following accessor functions:

get_field_names() returns a character vector with all field names. get_field() returns the information for a specific field as a list with components named as described above. get_fields() returns a list with all field entries. set_field() is used to create new fields in the repository (the default value will be set in all entries).

get_entry_names() returns a character vector with (the first alias of) all entries. entry_exists() is a predicate checking if an entry with the specified alias exists in the registry. get_entry() returns the first specified entry if at least one exists (and, by default, gives an error if it does not). get_entries() is used to query more than one entry matching the index (named argument list) exactly. grep_entries() returns those entries where the regular expression in pattern matches any character field in an entry. By default, all values are returned. delete_entry removes an existing entry from the registry.

set_entry, delete_entry and modify_entry require a named list of arguments used as field entries. At least the index fields are required.

set_entry will check for all other mandatory fields. If specified in the field meta data, each field entry and the entry as a whole is checked for validity. Note that it is possible to specify a vector of values for an index field, treated as alternative keys for this entry.

It is possible to restrict permissions (for setting, getting, deleting and modifying entries) using restrict_permissions. Further, a user can seal the current registry state (fields, entries) so that existing structure and information becomes immutable. Additional fields and entries can be changed according to the permissions set. Permissions and sealing are useful for exported registry objects to control the users' capabilities of modifying/extending them.

See Also

dist, matchfuns


Run this code
regobj <- registry()
regobj$set_field("X", type = TRUE)
regobj$set_field("Y", type = "character")
regobj$set_field("index", type = "character", is_key = TRUE,
            index_FUN = match_partial_ignorecase)
regobj$set_field("index2", type = "integer", is_key = TRUE)
regobj$set_entry(X = TRUE, Y = "bla", index = "test", index2 = 1L)
regobj$set_entry(X = FALSE, Y = "foo", index = c("test", "bar"), index2 = 2L)
regobj[["test", 1]]
# }

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